about us

design principles

A strong focus is given to working with our clients to create a collaborative design, as we recognise that your home is an extension of you, it reflects who you are, each family operates daily life differently, we aim to tailor the design to way you function, we provide input and suggestions to guide you in the appropriate direction with regards to compliance with the ever-evolving Planning Policies, Building Regulations, Australian Standards as well as other site specific requirements that we need to be mindful of for example like flooding or bush fire prone areas, and with these rules in mind mix that all together in a seamless creation to provide a finished home that is a pleasure to live, work, play, and relax in.  

Vistalab is here to help walk you through the process no matter what your knowledge level.

We believe that good house design is based on the principle “form follows function”, where we start with your homes functionality, from its internal function for the your families everyday routines, to the functional response to the site and surrounding amenities and viewpoints, with the form following this functionality design resolution.

With your preferred house style, we can create something that not only looks good but is easy to build using readily available building products that can be readily sauced form your local suppliers and avoid recommending anything that will cost you more than is necessary to achieve the same end result.

We can discuss with you the advantages of being an owner builder and engage a carpenter to help with the construction or getting a building company to take care of the entire build from start to finish or even something in between we have builders that we can recommend when that time comes, our goal is to help our clients spend as little as possible for there new development.